The Role of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium is the second most abundant element inside the cells of the human body, serving hundreds of functions within them. The mineral magnesium is much more important for the functioning of our bodies than most of us realize. It is necessary for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and supports muscle function, a healthy immune system, heart health, and bone strength. The following are the four main areas that are regulated and maintained by magnesium.

Enzyme Activity

Enzymes are very important, as they are the basis of the body’s ability to function while supporting life. Magnesium helps regulate the enzymes, which allows them to function properly. This in turn, enables the majority of the body’s chemical reactions to take place.

Magnesium’s presence is crucial for certain necessary processes to take place, such as glucose and fat breakdown, creation of DNA and RNA, cholesterol production, and production of proteins, enzymes, and antioxidants.

ATP and Energy Production

ATP, or adenosine tri-phosphate, is a molecule that is the fundamental unit of energy used in the cells of our bodies. ATP provides the energy for many functions that take place within cells, such as protein synthesis, transporting substances across cell barriers, contraction of muscle fibers, and cell reproduction.

The mitochondria inside the cells produce ATP. Magnesium is what allows units of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids to be metabolized and converted into usable energy like ATP. Therefore, production would not be able to occur without sufficient levels of magnesium present in the body at all times.

DNA Stability

The synthesis of DNA is slowed down whenever magnesium is not at sufficient levels. DNA is the genetic code of the body and it is used for the building of proteins and reproduction of cells. Therefore, if DNA becomes unstable or develops mutations, our cellular function will begin to suffer.

Magnesium is just one factor that ensures DNA stability, but it is a very important piece of the puzzle. It is able to stabilize the structures as well as repair any damage done to the DNA by mutagens in the environment.

Mineral Balance

The mineral content without our cells must remain balanced at all times, and this is referred to as homeostasis. Important minerals such as sodium, calcium, and potassium all depend on magnesium in order to remain balanced within the body. Without the balance of these minerals, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and heart rhythms would all suffer.

Because of all of the functions that depend on magnesium in order to remain balanced and work properly, magnesium deficiency is not something that should be taken lightly. Keeping magnesium at a healthy level within the body should be one of the fundamental goals of maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

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